Tokyo Zombie Land / 東京ゾンビランド - Kagamine Rin Len
Original Video :
Nico :
Youtube :
~Thông tin bài hát ~
Song:じーざすP / JesusP @WAN_OPO)
Illust:△○□× / Miwashiba (mylist/25806743)
Movie:お菊 / Okiku (mylist/25801793)
7/10/2015,, sẽ công bố ablum đầu tiên chính thức của Wan☆Opo !
Đặc biệt ① MV trong ablum được vẽ bởi một dàn Illust tuyệt vời
Đặc biệt ② Poster cỡ B2 với số lượng có hạn
Để biết thêm chi tiết, truy cập :
~ KuroSub - Vocaloid Vietsub ~
*I'm don't own anything except the translation and subtitle
*All right belong to the owner
Nico :
Youtube :
~Thông tin bài hát ~
Song:じーざすP / JesusP @WAN_OPO)
Illust:△○□× / Miwashiba (mylist/25806743)
Movie:お菊 / Okiku (mylist/25801793)
7/10/2015,, sẽ công bố ablum đầu tiên chính thức của Wan☆Opo !
Đặc biệt ① MV trong ablum được vẽ bởi một dàn Illust tuyệt vời
Đặc biệt ② Poster cỡ B2 với số lượng có hạn
Để biết thêm chi tiết, truy cập :
~ KuroSub - Vocaloid Vietsub ~
*I'm don't own anything except the translation and subtitle
*All right belong to the owner
Thanks for watching
Japanese | Romaji | English |
~東京ゾンビランドへようこそ | ~Tokyo zonbi rando e youkoso | ~Welcome to Tokyo Zombie Land! |
最後まで死なないように頑張りましょう~ | saigo made shinanai youni ganbarimashou~ | Let us do our best to not die until the end!~ |
東京ゾンビランド! | Tokyo zonbi rando! | Tokyo Zombie Land! |
あー うー | Aa Uu | Ah, uh |
> 今日も元気にゾンビを狩りましょう < > Kyou mo genki ni zonbi wo karimashou < > “Today as well, let’s hunt zombies cheerfully.” <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ | ||
聞き飽きたスローガンの朝礼 | Kiki akita suroogan no chourei | Is the slogan I’m tired of hearing as pep talk |
ライフル マガジン その他諸々 | Raifuru magajin sonota moromoro | I have a rifle, a magazine, and many other kinds of things |
忘れ物ないか? きいてるの?(オーライ!) | Wasure mono nai ka? Kiiteru no? (Oorai!) | Did you forget anything? Hey, are you listening? (Alright!) |
プレイ開始 フタサンマルマルから日が昇るまで | Purei kaishi futasanmarumaru kara higanoboru made | Let’s start the play, until there are about three hundred left, and it turns into night. |
あてもなくさまよう亡者たち | Ate mo naku samayou mouja tachi | The dead that wander around aimlessly; |
おやすみ おねんねの時間 | Oyasumi onenne no jikan | Goodnight, it’s time to sleep. |
「2、3発くらいじゃ倒せない 固くて分厚い」 | "Ni, sanpatsu kurai ja taosenai katakute buatsui" | “I can’t defeat in in 2 or 3 shots. They’re tough.” |
「足も速えなw」 | "Ashi no haya ena" | “And they’re fast too (lol)” |
「5、6発くらいでちょうどいい 風穴こさえて…」 | "Go, rokupatsu kuraide choudo ii kazaana kosaete..." | “About 5 or 6 shot seems good. I made an air hole…” |
「差し上げてやんよ」 | "Sashiagete yan yo" | “I’ll get them to you.” |
「7、8発までぶち込めば?さすがに奴らも、」 | "Shichi, hachipatsu made buchikomeba? sasuga ni yatsura mo," | “In 7 or 8 shots, they finally went through? As expected of them.” |
「痛いらしいな」 | "Itairashii na"" | “That looks painful.” |
「えらいやっちゃ えらいやっちゃ 弾切れた」 | "Erai yatcha erai yatcha tamakireta" | “This is bad, this is bad, I’m out of bullets” |
「リロード リロード!」 | "Riroodo riroodo!" | “Reload, reload!” |
わちゃっちゃちゃっちゃちゃっちゃ | Wachacchachacchachaccha | Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha |
あせんな | Asenna | Stop panicking |
ハイサイクル!(1down) | Haisaikuru! (1down) | High cycle! (1 down) |
ハイサイクル!(2down) | Haisaikuru! (2down) | High cycle! (2 down) |
お命頂戴 再殺death | oinochi choudai sai satsu death | Give me your life; it’s a cycle of death |
今夜、最高得点を樹立できるかもな | Konya, saikou tokuten wo juritsu dekiru kamo na | Maybe tonight we can get the highest score |
お疲れちゃん!(3down) | Otsukarechan! (3down) | Getting tired yet? (3 down) |
アンデッド!(4down) | Andeddo! (4down) | Undead! (4 down) |
アタシみたいな小娘にキル取られて マジで御愁傷様 | Atashi mitaina komusume ni kiru torarete maji de goshuushousama | If you want to kill a little girl like me, then that’s way too bad. |
さらば!ゾンビ先輩 | Saraba! Zonbi senpai | Goodbye, zombie seniors! |
> 残り時間あと90分 < > Nokori jikan ato kyuujuubu < > There’s only 90 minutes left. <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ | ||
索敵しながら進むべし | Sakuteki shinagara susumubeshi | Time to advance with the search mission. |
レーザーサイト ナイトスコープ | Reezaasaito Naitosukoopu | Your laser sight and night scope; |
クリアリングを怠るな!(了解!) | Kuria ringu wo okotaru na! (Ryoukai!) | Don’t be negligent with them! (Roger!) |
10時方向 エネミー発見 距離150フィート | Juuji houkou enemii hakken kyori hyaku gojuu fiito | Enemy spotted at 10 o’clock, distance: 150 feet. |
スナイピング技術はチーム1 | Sunaipingu gijutsu wa chiimu ichi | Sniping team 1 has the skill for that. |
この距離なら余裕で喰えるぜ | Kono kyorinara yoyuu de kueru ze | At this distance, the scope can see it. |
「1、2発でしとめてくれよ 初弾外すなよ」 | "Ichi, nipatsu de shitomete kure yo hodan hazusu na yo" | “At 1 or 2 shots, it doesn’t kill them. Don’t miss the first shot.” |
「ったりめえだろ」 | "Ttari mee daro" | “That’s obvious.” |
「2、3発で足吹き飛ばせ 動き止めてくれ」 | "Ni, sanpatsu de ashi fukitobase ugoki tomete kure" | “At 2 or 3 shots, I’ll blow off their legs. That will stop their movement.” |
「了解だこのやろー」 | "Ryoukai da konoyarou" | “Understood. You bastards!” |
「4、5発なんて撃ち過ぎだろ 敵に気付かれる」 | "Shi, gopatsu nante uchi sugidaro teki ni kizuka reru" | “At 4 or 5 shots, the enemy will be hit too much and notice.” |
「すまん調子が…」 | "Suman choushi ga..." | “Sorry, my pace…” |
「えらいやっちゃ えらいやっちゃ 弾切れだ」 | "Erai yatcha erai yatcha tamakireda" | “This is bad, this is bad, I’m out of bullets.” |
「リロード リロード!」 | "Riroodo riroodo!" | “Reload, reload!” |
ありゃりゃりゃりゃりゃりゃ | Aryaryaryaryaryarya | Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha— |
おちつけ | Ochitsuke | Calm down. |
グレネード!(1KILL) | Gureneedo! (1KILL) | Grenade! (1 kill) |
グレネード!(2KILL) | Gureneedo! (2KILL) | Grenade! (2 kill) |
サイドアームで再殺death | Saidoaamu de saisatsu death | Death by my side arm; it’s a cycle of death |
ほらスペシャルチークタイムだ 踊らせるぜ | Hora supesharu chiiku taimu da odoraseruze | Come on, it’s special training time; so let’s dance |
お疲れちゃん!(3KILL) | Otsukarechan! (3KILL) | Getting tired yet? (3 kill) |
アンデッド!(4KILL) | Andeddo! (4KILL) | Undead! (4 kill) |
俺様に殺られて君らマジ幸せ | Oresama ni yara rete kimira maji shiawase | If you want to kill someone special like me, then you’ll seriously have to be happy: |
気持ちよく逝ってくれ | Kimochiyoku itte kure | So tell me if you feel good |
ここに集められし戦士たちは | Koko ni atsume rareshi senshitachi wa | In this place where warriors gather |
人身御供のゾンビショーに | Hitomigokuu no zonbishoo ni | Is a zombie show of human sacrifice. |
利用されていることすら気付かない | Riyou sarete iru koto sura kizukanai | We’re not even given a reason, and no one notices. |
次のゾンビ候補は俺たちだっていう噂 | Tsugi no zonbi kouho wa oretachi datte iu uwasa | The next zombie candidate is us, is what we heard |
死にたくないよ… | Shinitakunai yo... | I don’t want to die… |
死にたくないよ! | Shinitakunai yo! | I don’t want to die! |
死にたくないよ!!! | Shinitakunai yo!!! | I don’t want to die!!! |
「殺られなきゃいいじゃん」 | "Yararenakya ii jan" | “Then, all we have to do is kill them” |
「たしかに。」 | "Tashika ni." | “That’s right…” |
ハイサイクル!(1down) | Haisaikuru! (1down) | High cycle! (1 down) |
ハイサイクル!(2down) | Haisaikuru! (2down) | High cycle! (2 down) |
お命頂戴 再殺death | oinochi choudai sai satsu death | Give me your life; it’s a cycle of death |
勝敗は己の価値で決めるもの | Shouhai wa onore no kachi de kimeru mono | Victory or defeat; those that decide that is their own decision |
お疲れちゃん!(3down) | Otsukarechan! (3down) | Getting tired yet? (3 down) |
アンデッド!(4down) | Andeddo! (4down) | Undead! (4 down) |
ツーマンセルで勝ち取れ 明日の朝日 | Tsuumanseru de kachitore asu no asahi | In this two man cell, we’ll win tomorrow and the next day as well. |
勝ち続ければ負けはねぇ! | Kachitsuzu kereba make wa nee! | We’ll continue to win, and not lose! |
東京ゾンビランド! | Tokyo zonbi rando! | Tokyo Zombie Land! |
Sessessee no yoi yoi yoi おちゃらかおちゃらかおちゃらかほい Ocharaka ocharaka ocharaka hoi おちゃらかかったよおちゃらかほい Ocharakakatta yo ocharakahoi おちゃらかおちゃらかおちゃらかほい Ocharaka ocharaka ocharaka hoi |
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Tokyo Zombie Land / 東京ゾンビランド - Kagamine Rin Len
Reviewed by genen
tháng 11 04, 2015

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