Vocaloid: Anti Chlorobenzene (vietsub)
"Antichlorobenzene" lần đầu tiên được tải lên vào ngày 19 tháng 9 vào lúc 03:55 AM (phần tiếp theo của the Benzene Series được tải lên cùng một thời điểm mỗi năm). Đây là phần "đáp lại" bài hát Owata-P's một ca khúc hit khác của "Paradichlorobenzene". Chỉ mất một ngày (20 tháng 9) "Antichlorobenzene" đã đạt Hall of Fame (vượt 100.000 lượt xem), và đạt 1 triệu lượt xem trong vòng một năm (17 tháng 5 năm 2011).
"Antichlorobenzene" là một bài hát đặc sắc được Exit Tunes biên soạn trong "Vocalonexus". Mặc dù nó không phổ biến như bản sao của "Paradichlorobenzene", "Antichlorobenzene" là bài hát duy nhất trong series có nhiều My Lists (yêu thích) hơn là nhận xét trong Niconico Video, mặc dù thực tế rằng nó đã đạt hơn 1 triệu lượt xem.(?)
Đây là bài hát thứ tư trong the Benzen Series, và phần lớn nó nói về các câu trả lời Len's Paradichlorobenzene. Do đó lời giải thích mơ hồ có thể dễ dàng thực hiện ở đây và ở đó. Nhiều lời bài hát và suy nghĩ đều có phần lộn ngược trong video. "Antichlorobenzene" là bài hát duy nhất trong series không được đặt theo tên của một chất hóa học (benzene, nitrobenzene, Paradichlorobenzene, và toluen tất cả đều là những hợp chất hóa học).
"Antichlorobenzene" là một bài hát đặc sắc được Exit Tunes biên soạn trong "Vocalonexus". Mặc dù nó không phổ biến như bản sao của "Paradichlorobenzene", "Antichlorobenzene" là bài hát duy nhất trong series có nhiều My Lists (yêu thích) hơn là nhận xét trong Niconico Video, mặc dù thực tế rằng nó đã đạt hơn 1 triệu lượt xem.(?)
Đây là bài hát thứ tư trong the Benzen Series, và phần lớn nó nói về các câu trả lời Len's Paradichlorobenzene. Do đó lời giải thích mơ hồ có thể dễ dàng thực hiện ở đây và ở đó. Nhiều lời bài hát và suy nghĩ đều có phần lộn ngược trong video. "Antichlorobenzene" là bài hát duy nhất trong series không được đặt theo tên của một chất hóa học (benzene, nitrobenzene, Paradichlorobenzene, và toluen tất cả đều là những hợp chất hóa học).
"Antichlorobenzene" was first uploaded on September 19 at 3:55 AM (following the Benzene Series' pattern of videos being uploaded at the same time each year). It's a "reply" song to Owata-P's other hit song "Paradichlorobenzene". It only took one day (September 20) for "Antichlorobenzene" to reach Hall of Fame (exceeding 100,000 views), and reached 1 million views within a year (May 17, 2011)
"Antichlorobenzene" is featured in the EXIT TUNES compilation "Vocalonexus". Although it's not as popular as it's counterpart "Paradichlorobenzene", "Antichlorobenzene" is the only song in the series to have more My Lists (favorite) than comments in Niconico Video, despite the fact that it has reached over 1 million views.
It is the fourth song of the Benzene Series, and it mainly talks about the replying Len's Paradichlorobenzene. Due to it's vague lyrics interpretations can be easily made here and there. Many of the lyrics and thoughts are presented upside down in the video. "Antichlorobenzene" is the only song in the series to not be named after a real chemical substance (benzene, nitrobenzene, paradichlorobenzene, and toluene are all real compounds).
"Antichlorobenzene" is featured in the EXIT TUNES compilation "Vocalonexus". Although it's not as popular as it's counterpart "Paradichlorobenzene", "Antichlorobenzene" is the only song in the series to have more My Lists (favorite) than comments in Niconico Video, despite the fact that it has reached over 1 million views.
It is the fourth song of the Benzene Series, and it mainly talks about the replying Len's Paradichlorobenzene. Due to it's vague lyrics interpretations can be easily made here and there. Many of the lyrics and thoughts are presented upside down in the video. "Antichlorobenzene" is the only song in the series to not be named after a real chemical substance (benzene, nitrobenzene, paradichlorobenzene, and toluene are all real compounds).
Singer | Color |
Rin | Black |
Len | Red |
Japanese (日本語歌詞) | Romaji (ローマ字) |
苦しくて 悲しくて 悔しくて やめたくて | kurushikute kanashikute kuyashikute yametakute |
それすらも 許されず なにもかも 失うだけで | sore sura mo yurusarezu nani mo ka mo ushinau dake de |
辛過ぎて 憎過ぎて 虚しくて 消したくて | tsurasugite nikusugite munashikute keshitakute |
なにもかも 投げ出して 飛び出して 喚き叫ぶよ! | nani mo ka mo nagedashite tobidashite wamekisakebu yo! |
キミはなにも知らずに 夜の街を駆けるよ | kimi wa nani mo shirazu ni yoru no machi o kakeru yo |
ボクはなにも言わずに それをただ見てるだけ | boku wa nani mo iwazu ni sore o tada mite'ru dake |
チープな言葉並べ ゴールは何処にあるの? | chiipu na kotoba narabe gooru wa doko ni aru no? |
ルールはそこに無くて 脆く朽ち果ててゆく | ruuru wa soko ni nakute moroku kuchihatete yuku |
ボクはそして語る この世の全てを正すんだと | boku wa soshite kataru kono yo no subete o tadasu n da to |
ボクは野良猫に騙る ボクなら全てを正せるよと | boku wa noraneko ni kataru boku nara subete o tadaseru yo to |
出来もしない誓い振りかざし 独りよがりに酔い痴れる | deki mo shinai chikai furikazashi hitori-yogari ni yoishireru |
みんな知ってる 理解してる だからボクは今日も | minna shitte'ru rikai shite'ru dakara boku wa kyou mo |
晒されて 壊されて 錆ついて 朽ち果てて | sarasarete kowasarete sabitsuite kuchihatete |
ありもしない 噂さえ 流されて 真となるよ | ari mo shinai uwasa sae nagasarete makoto to naru yo |
嘘でもいい 構わない ボクたちが 正しくて | uso de mo ii kamawanai bokutachi ga tadashikute |
キミたちの 罪深い 背徳を 捻り潰すよ! | kimitachi no tsumibukai haitoku o hineritsubusu yo! |
この歌に意味はあるの? この詩に意味はないよ | kono uta ni imi wa aru no? kono uta ni imi wa nai yo |
この歌に罪はあるの? この詩に罪はないよ | kono uta ni tsumi wa aru no? kono uta ni tsumi wa nai yo |
あの歌に意味はあるの? あの詩に意味はないよ | ano uta ni imi wa aru no? ano uta ni imi wa nai yo |
あの歌に罪はあるの? あの詩の罪は... | ano uta ni tsumi wa aru no? ano uta no tsumi wa |
(アンチアンチアンチクロロベンゼン) | (Anchi anchi anchikurorobenzen) |
(アンチアンチアンチクロロベンゼン) | (Anchi anchi anchikurorobenzen) |
(アンチアンチアンチクロロベンゼン) | (Anchi anchi anchikurorobenzen) |
(クロロクロロクロクルッテル) | (Kuroro kuroro kuro kurutteru) |
ボクはそして気付く 所詮はなにも生み出さないと | boku wa soshite kizuku shosen wa nani mo umidasanai to |
キミの生きる価値はなに? 野良猫は水に突き落とした | kimi no ikiru kachi wa nani? noraneko wa mizu ni tsukiotoshita |
意味のない言葉に踊らされ 振り廻され失うんだ | imi no nai kotoba ni odorasare furimawasare ushinau n da |
なにが善だ なにが悪だ もうなにもわからない | nani ga zen da nani ga aku da mou nani mo wakaranai |
さぁ一緒に狂いましょう | saa issho ni kuruimashou |
ボクはなんの為に歌う? パラジクロロベンゼン | boku wa nan no tame ni utau? parajikurorobenzen |
ただ意味も理解せずに歌う パラジクロロベンゼン | tada imi mo rikai sezu ni utau parajikurorobenzen |
悪を叩く正義振りかざす パラジクロロベンゼン | aku o tataku seigi furikazasu parajikurorobenzen |
周り止めるボクら気付かない愚かな行為 | mawaritomeru bokura kizukanai oroka na koui |
ありえない 許さない 止まらない この気持ち | arienai yurusanai tomaranai kono kimochi |
この辛さ この憎さ 貫いて 心を討つよ | kono tsurasa kono nikusa tsuranuite kokoro o utsu yo |
苦しくて 悲しくて 虚しくて 消したくて | kurushikute kanashikute munashikute keshitakute |
それすらも 許されず 諦めは ボクを救うから | sore sura mo yurusarezu akirame wa boku o sukuu kara |
嘘でもいい 構わない 許しましょう 認めましょう | uso de mo ii kamawanai yurushimashou mitomemashou |
笑いさえ 妬みさえ 狂おしく 愛せそうだよ | warai sae netami sae kuruoshiku aisesou da yo |
善でもいい 悪でもいい *しましょう 眠りましょう | zen de mo ii aku de mo ii [koro]shimashou nemurimashou |
もういいよ 疲れたよ ボクたちは 救われますか? | mou ii yo tsukareta yo bokutachi wa sukuwaremasu ka? |
English lyrics:
It is challenging, is it heartbreaking
It is unfortunate, that I wish to stop
Yet I’m forbidden to, am not allowed to
Only able to lose more and more
The pain is so great; I’m filled with hate
But it’s useless, that I wish to get rid of this and
Abandon everything, just abandon everything
To fly far away and let out a shout!
Without knowing why you were doing this,
Every night I watched you run around
Without asking why you were doing this
I just kept on watching you go around town
Some tasteless words all lined up
But where is the end of it all?
The rules aren’t there if you look close-up,
But are decaying into something small
Then I start to say
“I will fix everything in humanity”
Then with the cat, I shall lead him astray
“I will be able to fix everything easily!”
Brandishing an impossible hope,
I indulge myself in self-satisfaction,
Everyone knows and can see this is my job
So today, this is what I’ll do…
You’ll be exposed, be broken and disposed
Growing old, until you grow cold
And even the stupid rumors
Away it shall go before as the truth it will be so
Lies are ok, I don’t care either way
Because the ones here are the correct ones here,
And therefore we must destroy
Your sinful immoralities you seem to enjoy
What is the meaning of this song? This verse’s meaning is gone
Is this song full of sin? This verse has no sin.
What is the meaning of that song? That verse’s meaning is gone
Is that song full of sin? The sin in that verse is…
Then I come to realize
That creating anything would not be wise
What is the value of life?
Just a stray cat that has been thrown into a pond.
To some meaningless words, you see,
I dance and move until I lose everything
What is good and what is bad?
I don’t know anymore
So together we shall go mad!
What do I sing for?
I just sing without knowing more
Evil is crushed and justice is shown
As we stop wandering we don’t see on our own
What foolish deeds we have done
It’s unbelievable, not forgivable,
And it won’t cease, this feeling in me
This pain and hate,
Has stricken my heart so deep and so great
It is challenging, it is heartbreaking,
It is unfortunate, that I wish to stop
Yet I’m forbidden to, am not allowed to
Since only renunciation will save me from doom
Lies are ok; I don’t care either way,
Let’s forgive, let’s be acceptive
We’re so mad, it seems like we can
Hold even laughter and jealousy
Whether it be good or bad
Let’s rid of everything, then fall asleep
I’ve had enough; I’m tired and it’s been rough,
So can we be saved?
It is unfortunate, that I wish to stop
Yet I’m forbidden to, am not allowed to
Only able to lose more and more
The pain is so great; I’m filled with hate
But it’s useless, that I wish to get rid of this and
Abandon everything, just abandon everything
To fly far away and let out a shout!
Without knowing why you were doing this,
Every night I watched you run around
Without asking why you were doing this
I just kept on watching you go around town
Some tasteless words all lined up
But where is the end of it all?
The rules aren’t there if you look close-up,
But are decaying into something small
Then I start to say
“I will fix everything in humanity”
Then with the cat, I shall lead him astray
“I will be able to fix everything easily!”
Brandishing an impossible hope,
I indulge myself in self-satisfaction,
Everyone knows and can see this is my job
So today, this is what I’ll do…
You’ll be exposed, be broken and disposed
Growing old, until you grow cold
And even the stupid rumors
Away it shall go before as the truth it will be so
Lies are ok, I don’t care either way
Because the ones here are the correct ones here,
And therefore we must destroy
Your sinful immoralities you seem to enjoy
What is the meaning of this song? This verse’s meaning is gone
Is this song full of sin? This verse has no sin.
What is the meaning of that song? That verse’s meaning is gone
Is that song full of sin? The sin in that verse is…
Then I come to realize
That creating anything would not be wise
What is the value of life?
Just a stray cat that has been thrown into a pond.
To some meaningless words, you see,
I dance and move until I lose everything
What is good and what is bad?
I don’t know anymore
So together we shall go mad!
What do I sing for?
I just sing without knowing more
Evil is crushed and justice is shown
As we stop wandering we don’t see on our own
What foolish deeds we have done
It’s unbelievable, not forgivable,
And it won’t cease, this feeling in me
This pain and hate,
Has stricken my heart so deep and so great
It is challenging, it is heartbreaking,
It is unfortunate, that I wish to stop
Yet I’m forbidden to, am not allowed to
Since only renunciation will save me from doom
Lies are ok; I don’t care either way,
Let’s forgive, let’s be acceptive
We’re so mad, it seems like we can
Hold even laughter and jealousy
Whether it be good or bad
Let’s rid of everything, then fall asleep
I’ve had enough; I’m tired and it’s been rough,
So can we be saved?
Nguồn: vocaloid.wikia.com
Vocaloid: Anti Chlorobenzene (vietsub)
Reviewed by genen
tháng 9 22, 2015

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