Holy Flag / GUMI 【Vietsub】
■ Lyrics:shito, Gom
■ Composition:shito
■ Arrangement:HoneyWorks
◆Guitar:Oji (海賊王)
■ Video:Mogelatte
Original Upload: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27476949
* Audio - Visual content administered by Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.
Vietsub by Athena SubTeam
Thanks for watching
■ Lyrics:shito, Gom
■ Composition:shito
■ Arrangement:HoneyWorks
◆Guitar:Oji (海賊王)
■ Video:Mogelatte
Original Upload: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27476949
* Audio - Visual content administered by Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.
Vietsub by Athena SubTeam
Thanks for watching
Japanese | Romaji | English |
住み慣れた街を出てから どれくらい経っただろう | Suminareta machi o dete kara dore kurai tatta darou | Since I left the town I had gotten used to living in, how long has it been? |
靴を鳴らして歌って歩く 涙も枯れてきた頃に | Kutsu o narashite utatte aruku namida mo karete kita koro ni | Stomping with my shoes I sing as I walk, in the days when even my tears had dried. |
「僕も連れて行って 二人なら怖くない」 | "Boku mo tsurete itte futari nara kowaku nai" | "Take me along too. Together we have no fear." |
地図にないあぜ道並んで歩き出す | Chizu ni nai azemichi narande arukidasu | On an uncharted path, we set forth side by side. |
旗を掲げろ 阻む弓矢投げられる悪意も | Hata o kakagero Habamu yumiya nagerareru akui mo | Raise the flag! The bows and arrows that get in our way and the malice they hurl at us, |
止まない歌声で 笑い飛ばした | Yamanai utagoe de waraitobashita | we laugh off with unceasing singing. |
(輝く朝に決意を 瞬く夜に祈りを) | (Kagayaku asa ni ketsui o matataku yoru ni inori o) | (In the brilliant morning, resolve. In the twinkling night, prayer.) |
立ち止まらずにゆけ | Tachidomarazu ni yuke | Don't stand still! Go! |
(奏でる音に勇気を 僕らの旅に歌を) | (Kanaderu oto ni yuuki o bokura no tabi ni uta o) | (To the sound of music, courage. On our journey, song.) |
契約も誓約もない 胸の蒼い炎だけさ | Keiyaku mo seiyaku mo nai mune no aoi honoo dake sa | We have no contracts or vows, only the blue flame in our hearts. |
僕らの意思は人から人へ 嵐さえ邪魔はできない | Bokura no ishi wa hito kara hito e arashi sae jama wa dekinai | Our purpose, from person to person, even a storm will not stop it. |
雨に濡れた炎小さくなった時は | Ame ni nureta honoo chiisaku natta toki wa | When the flame, wet by the rain, has gotten small, |
晴れ間見える方へ寄り道もしながら | Harema mieru hou e yorimichi mo shinagara | we take a detour somewhere where we can see a break in the weather. |
旗を掲げろ ヤジる影を踏んづけるハーモニー | Hata o kakagero yajiru kage o funzukeru haamonii | Raise the flag! The harmony of trampling shadows that we jeer at. |
止まない歌声を 次の街まで | Yamanai utagoe o tsugi no machi made | Unceasing singing, on to the next town. |
(輝く朝に決意を 瞬く夜に祈りを) | (Kagayaku asa ni ketsui o matataku yoru ni inori o) | (In the brilliant morning, resolve. In the twinkling night, prayer.) |
振り返らずにゆけ | Furikaerazu ni yuke | Don't look back! Go! |
(奏でる音に勇気を 僕らの旅に歌を) | (Kanaderu oto ni yuuki o bokura no tabi ni uta o) | (To the sound of music, courage. On our journey, song.) |
いつだって僕らは悩んで | Itsudatte bokura wa nayande | We are always troubled |
決められた答えを壊してく | Kimerareta kotae o kowashiteku | and we go on demolishing taken-for-granted answers. |
並んで歩こう | Narande arukou | Let's walk side by side. |
愛を讃えよ 痛む傷を癒してくハーモニー | Ai o tataeyo Itamu kizu o iyashiteku haamonii | Praise love! Harmony that goes on healing painful wounds. |
蒼く燃える証 目を覚ました | Aoku moeru akashi me o samashita | The sign that burns blue has awakened. |
旗を掲げろ 阻む弓矢投げられる悪意も | Hata o kakagero Habamu yumiya nagerareru akui mo | Raise the flag! The bows and arrows that get in our way and the malice they hurl at us, |
止まない歌声で 笑い飛ばした | Yamanai utagoe de waraitobashita | we laugh off with unceasing singing. |
(輝く朝に決意を 瞬く夜に祈りを) | (Kagayaku asa ni ketsui o matataku yoru ni inori o) | (In the brilliant morning, resolve. In the twinkling night, prayer.) |
立ち止まらずにゆけ | Tachidomarazu ni yuke | Don't stand still! Go! |
(奏でる音に勇気を 僕らの旅に歌を) | (Kanaderu oto ni yuuki o bokura no tabi ni uta o) | (To the sound of music, courage. On our journey, song.) |
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Thế giới thần bí
Holy Flag / GUMI 【Vietsub】
Reviewed by genen
tháng 12 25, 2015

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